Beetstreet is a hand crafted fresh fermented drink (non alcoholic). Root vegetables like Beets have beneficial and naturally occurring bacteria and yeasts. We harvest this abundance of natural probiotics through the fermentation process to make Beetstreet. It is not beet juice.
Benefits in brief: Helps anaemia and women's health matters like bloating and menopausal issues. Useful for all auto immune disorders. Digestive aid. Immunity booster. High in iron and nitrates. Natural daily use probiotic for the whole family.
Some interesting history: Russian Beet Kvass and Indian Kaanji are traditional ferments and Beetstreet derives its inspiration from those greats. There is interesting documentation on how Beet Kvass used to be given to Russian soldiers as an immunity builder before they were sent in to attend to plague infested areas. Many traditional households in North India have a jar of Kaanji brewing on the side and it is part of the grandma’s treasure trove of remedies.
Process: Slow and wild fermented in a special 3 stage process- takes over 3-4 days to achieve a silky smoothness.
Ingredients: Each ingredient is purposively selected for its ability to help your gut restore its naturally diverse biome. Made with the superfood beetroot, dechlorinated water and 7 healing spices including Himalayan Pink Salt. We believe in responsible raw material sourcing.
Taste profile: Savoury, Zero sugar, Keto-friendly.
Known strains of bacteria contained: Beetstreet is wild fermented, so we can only list some of the dominant strains of bacteria found in the drink. Beyond this list, there is a natural bio diversity that is difficult to fully know as it could change from batch to batch.
Strains of bacteria known: Lactobascillus, Leocanostoc, Acetobactr, Glucanobacter
Further descriptors: Low Glyceimic index product
Who can use: For every member of the family across every age group, for health maintenance.
Specific comments: Can be consumed even by diabetics as it has a low glyceimic index.
Persons recovering from antibiotic consumption, chemotherapy
People with any kind of auto immune disorders like eczema, PCOD, Lupus, weight gain, sleep issues etc
People with constipation issues
How to use: Drink 100-150 ml a day, post any one meal of your choice. Consume daily.
For children, can start with 1 tbsp.
Side effects: Usually none. In some cases, change in stool frequency and looseness may occur for a few days. Persist with usage and it will clear as the body is getting rid of unwanted bad bacteria and toxins.
How to store: Keep Refrigerated.
Shelf life: 8-10 weeks from date of delivery.